
A slug is a cautious creature something like a snail, but without a shell.  Slugs are famous for the “sluggish” pace  at which they travel.  You’ve probably seen a slug creeping along on a part of its body that seems to be its stomach.

Actually the bottom part of the slug’s body is really its “foot”.  The muscles in the slug’s foot move in a wavelike motion that causes the slug to glide slowly along.  It leaves a glistening train of slim behind it as it crawls.

This serves as a slippery path to help the slug slide along more easily.  The goo also protects the slug’s body as it crawls over sharp rocks and twigs.

Slugs live in moist places.  They are often found under logs and stones.  Slugs are often garden pests because they eat plants.  To help them eat, the tongue of a slug has hundreds of tiny “teeth”  with which if files away bits of food. – Dick Rogers