
Did you ever see a bug that could tumble?  The tumblebug can!

“Tumblebug” is the name of a beetle that has the peculiar habit of rolling balls of dung (manure) along the ground.  It gets its name from the fact that it often tumbles as it rolls these large balls.

Tumblebug, also called “dung beetle”, can be found living in many parts of the world.

They are members of the famous scarab beetle family, sacred symbols to the ancient Egyptians.

The tumblebug carves out a mass of fresh dung and rolls it into a perfect ball.

Then, standing on it head with its hind feet on the ball, the tumblebug rolls the ball to a place of safety.

When it finds a suitable spot, it digs a hole and rolls the ball into the note.

It may eat the ball, or it may lay an egg in it and bury it.

The dung serves as food for the baby tumblebug that hatches from the egg.– Dick Rogers