
The ostrich is the largest of all birds today.  It may be 8 feet tall and weigh more than 300 pounds.

The ostrich is the largest of all the birds today.  A full-grown male ostrich may be 8 feet tall and weigh more than 300 pounds.  Ostriches live on the plains and desets of Africa.

Like all birds, ostriches have feathers and wings.  But their great size and small wings make it impossible for them to fly.

They are fast runners, and can easily outrun most enemies, which are mainly lions.  Ostriches can also protect themselves by kicking with their powerful legs.

This big bird lays the largest egg of any living bird.  An ostrich egg can measure seven inches long and weigh 3 pounds – as a two-dozen chicken eggs.

Newborn chicks are about a foot tall.  When a young ostrich is a month old, it can run as fast as an adult.  Ostriches usually eat plants. But they will also gulp down lizards and insects when they fin d them.

They swallow sand and pebbles to aid in digestion.  Ostriches make loud hissing sounds. – Dick Rogers